The Dialysis Unit at St. Joe's cares for our sickest patients who need dialysis. And it's where help is needed. The current unit at the Health Centre location is small with room for only 12 patients. And an increasing number of our neighbours need dialysis care.
St. Joe's is raising critical funds to build the Bachir Yerex Family Dialysis Centre, a bigger and brighter centre that will have an additional 1,200 to 1,500 square feet and up to 21 treatment stations. See the architects' rendering to the right.
Click the button below to make a donation towards the project. Gifts can be paid over five years. Thanks for your support!
Copyright 2014 St. Joseph's Health Centre Foundation Toronto | 30 The Queensway, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6R 1B5 416-530-6704
Business Charitable No: 11918 3382 RR0001