Cycle 4 St. Joe's

Redstone Food Group Ltd.

Did you know 80% of health care is provided in community hospitals? 

For our west-end community, that’s St. Joe’s.

For many in our neighbourhood, all the health care they will need in their lifetime will come from St. Joe’s.

Our team is geared up and ready to ride alongside healthcare teams and staff from St. Joe’s to support the most urgent needs at our local community hospital.

We’re taking on this challenge because our west end deserves the best care experiences, close to home. When we ride together, the funds will support the most urgent needs at St. Joe’s, including renovations to create compassionate spaces for care, patient-centred technology, and new programs to meet the health needs of all.

Over the years, riders have raised more than $3.5 million for St. Joe’s. Now our goal is to break the $4 million mark! Join by making a donation to support our team today!
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