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Enjoy a golfing experience at the renowned Lambton Golf and Country Club!

Join us on Monday, September 8th for the 22nd annual Fall Classic Golf Tournament, a fun day on the greens to support St. Joe’s and the close to home care we rely on for our family, friends, and neighbours.

In the last two decades, the Fall Classic Golf Tournament has raised an astonishing $4 million, fueling the transformation of healthcare at St. Joe’s. Special thanks to each one of you for contributing to this remarkable journey.

All proceeds from this year’s tournament will help St. Joe’s raise funds to get started on its biggest transformation ever. Reserve your spot today and help us improve the patient experience and provide the best care experiences close to home. 

Lambton Clock


Premium Sponsor 

Roadsport PM 2023


Eagle Sponsor  


Lax Fall classic 



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